

Increasing the Reliability of Automated Tests

In software testing, test automation is the use of software/tools separate from the software being tested to control the execution of tests and the comparison of actual results with expected results. By using these, we can automate some repetitive but necessary tasks and tests. We can also perform tests that are too complex to perform manually. Automation of tests is critical for continuous delivery and continuous testing in the Agile/DevOps world.

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Isha Talk – Human is not a Resource

All of us have been hit by the COVID in the last 2 years. And looks like it’s going extend for another year at least. All of us have also been hit by cashflow and customer acquisition issues. In this situation, what is it that I can do that is different? How can I make my organisation more agile, more flexible, and more resilient? I want to leave 3 thoughts with you

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Good Governance

Coaching & governance: The guiding light on the path to success

If one were to imagine an organisation to be indispensable cornerstones of life, coaching facilitates progress while governance is a core philosophy that dictates the direction of this evolution. To fulfil all business goals effectively, a firm cannot compromise on thorough coaching and corporate governance. 

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The secret to building a great organization

When someone talks about a successful organisation, what comes to mind? Is it a robust vision and mission? Could it be an emphasis on great skill and training? Perhaps, you think it’s a healthy work-life balance? 
At NextWealth, we believe it’s a mix of all three.

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Holistic well-being through Inner Wellness

Constantly striving for the future unknown, we feverishly plan, consult, and discuss only to see a sliver of what our tomorrow brings. Rethinking the status and going beyond the ‘tried and tested’ methods of the past, we provide a strategy that is robust enough to weather the ups and downs of the future. While sketching out the blueprints and examining our present for clues, we forget one important element. What if the future looks vastly different from our present? Our plans operate under the assumption that tomorrow will look like today, it lulls us all into a sense of certainty that forces us to let our guards down.

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Challenging the status-quo – the key to innovation & resilience Learning from the past empowers us to shape our future

Constantly striving for the future unknown, we feverishly plan, consult, and discuss only to see a sliver of what our tomorrow brings. Rethinking the status and going beyond the ‘tried and tested’ methods of the past, we provide a strategy that is robust enough to weather the ups and downs of the future. While sketching out the blueprints and examining our present for clues, we forget one important element. What if the future looks vastly different from our present? Our plans operate under the assumption that tomorrow will look like today, it lulls us all into a sense of certainty that forces us to let our guards down.

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Automated annotation for Speed, Accuracy, and Cost Effectiveness

AI-based solutions are the way forward for every industry, and AI solutions across industry segments require large volumes of data labelling. “Supervised Learning” models are trained with accurately labelled large datasets. Semantic segmentation is one of the main challenges in computer vision as it takes quite long to accurately segment an image. Scaling the dataset with accurate labels is a humongous task when done manually. Automated annotation is the solution for data labelling volumes for various AI solutions across different industry segments.

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Best Practices for E-commerce Catalogue Management

In the post Covid era, having a presence in the eCommerce is a necessity for traditional retail commercial outlets. Customers today have multiple choices for online purchasing, and you will need a seamless and personalized experience for the buyers to retain them. This may sound daunting for a business trying to move online from a […]

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How to Outsmart Competitors using Machine Learning

Peter Drucker once said that the true purpose of a business is to create and keep customers. To make customers see value and to keep them loyal to the brand, it is important to increase the perceived value of the brand’s offerings. Recognizing the value of these offerings enables retailers to guide consumers toward better, […]

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