

Why is Training Data important while building Machine Learning Models

Sometime, by the end of the first decade of the 21st century, we humans were already contributing to machine learning unassumingly. Me and you, along with millions of unsuspecting users worldwide, digitized the entire Google Books archive by the start of 2012. I assure you, I am not fibbing. If you remember, during the early […]

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LiDAR Annotation for ADAS

Autonomous driving is an amazing real-world application that has come about with the culmination of advances in various technologies. The first step in this complex system is to perceive the environment, for the complex onboard system in the car to understand what is around it. This perception is achieved by various sensors like Cameras, Ultrasonic, […]

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Covid-19: A Game Changer for Working Women

A top official at a major IT company who has 50 directs, is on a Zoom call and is also overseeing her kid’s online classes, while her husband is attending a conference call in another room.  An associate who works at a top BPO firm has been working at odd hours, as she is juggling between […]

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The Power of Solidarity and Empathy during Covid Times

When COVID-19 came knocking at our doors in the month of February, little did we know that this is going to be a long haul, a very long haul. As part of the NextWealth leadership team a few of us were enthusiastically planning our Annual Strategic Offsite scheduled for the first week of March. I remember listing out the top 10 COVID-19 Safety Guidelines for all employees, guided by the WHO site – replacing the friendly official handshake with a strict Namaste! I was indeed greeted with giggles. Incidentally, my sister who was locked down in Hongkong already for a month and a half was aghast at the thought of 50 heads getting together under one roof for the offsite. Not only did the offsite happen, it went as planned and even ended on a musical note. We all came back to our world chuffed about new goals to achieve and renewed deadlines – clueless as to what lied ahead of us.

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NLP – Pope’s baby steps on gays

(2 min read) “Pope’s baby steps on gays*” What! I can see your jaw drop. Obviously, this sentence is not meant to convey what you thought at first. But, Why did we get two interpretations?   “Pope’s-baby steps on gays” – If we take ‘baby’ as a noun, attach it with ‘pope’ to form a noun […]

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Leap of Empowerment

The only way to do great work, is to love what you do.-Steve Jobs With the world’s second largest labour force of 516.3 million people, the latest World Bank report states that approximately 350 million people in India, still live below the poverty line. In 2006, Muhammad Yunus; Nobel Peace Prize awardee remarked during his […]

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An Insight – NextWealth

Data is the most crucial ingredient for businesses worldwide. ‘Data driven, Analytics driven, Algorithm driven, AI/ML driven’ are the new taglines for all businesses, traditional and next gen. Every day, companies are realizing the potential of data and its consequential competitive edge that companies can utilize in scale and growth.  We at NextWealth have over […]

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Active Learning – A breather for the squeezed

Missing the cold-war era big time! I can see that data scientists miss the space race of the Cold War big time! At least in the way that an unlimited budget was available to develop new technologies. Alas, today they need to walk a tight rope to produce models with high accuracy that remain within […]

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Data Privacy for AI and ML

In the battle between future markets and higher market shares, automated systems and artificial intelligence technology is what will decide the winner, taking them ahead of their competitors. The next decade in AI and ML is expected to turnover 21B Euros worldwide. However, the only possible impediment it needs to address is Data Privacy. As […]

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