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Audio Annotation Services: Learn what makes us the best!
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Audio Data Analysis in Machine Learning

Machine Learning is one of the most used technologies in the present time. ML can train analytical models to adapt to changing situations and evaluate the datasets to give accurate and precise outputs. There are different ways where ML can be used for data analysis. Whether it is to decipher the sentiments in the audio speech or find critical information from the recording, ML algorithms play a vital role. It extracts more accurate information, ensuring businesses can gain better insights. It also helps to find out some of the most important aspects of qualitative and quantitative research.

Types of Audio Data Annotation that NextWealth offers

NextWealth offers different types of audio data annotation services to businesses helping to extract maximum information from audio recordings. Our professionals utilize different technologies and tools in combination with human touch to ensure ML models can be made more efficient and productive.

Audio classification image -NextWealth,Data enrichment company

Audio Classification

With the help of natural language processing, our professionals can easily determine what audio is given as input. The algorithms ensure any concerned audio can be classified with maximum accuracy. We classify data basis language, dialect, accent differences etc. In addition, we also help identify the speaker’s gender, pitches, and many more attributes.

Speech Transcription

With speech annotation tools, we can easily transcribe speech to ensure we get the most accurate text. In other words, we leverage natural language processing and machine learning to transcribe the audio into text format. We work with several companies that require transcribed text for adding the same to any audio or video, creating posts, and many more.

Image of Speech Diarization service company in India

Speech Diarization

Speech diarization is one of the most desired audio annotation services at NextWealth. With the help of different tools, we can easily segmentize the audio clip based on speaker boundaries and the number of times the speech refers to a specific speaker. As a result, we can easily determine the number of speakers in the entire audio and speech recording.

Image of Speech Diarization services - NextWealth


Timestamps are often required in transcription and translation services. It is also needed for video and speech editing, adding captions and subtitles, and several other tasks. But it is not easy to deduce the timestamps, including texts and the corresponding time and duration of the video and audio. We can easily determine the timestamps by leveraging audio data annotation and segregating the entire audio and speech.

Applications of Audio Annotations

At NextWealth, we offer a plethora of annotation services in the NLP domain. Over the years, we have learned how to leverage different technologies to yield the best results. We have expanded our outreach on various aspects of applying natural language processing and machine learning in audio processing and annotations.


Audio annotation is often used in transcription services. Many entertainment companies need audio transcription, where the speech has to be converted into text for adding subtitles and captions. These transcriptions are also needed to help people with hearing problems understand what’s being said.

speech recognition services image - NextWealth

Speech to text

Often businesses need audio annotation services to convert the meeting recordings into text format. Also, it helps by adding timestamps and diarization of the speech to understand what different speakers are trying to say. The entire results are used for research work, data analysis, visual representation, and taking down notes and minutes of meetings.


With the help of natural language processing, audio annotation is used in the gaming industry. Here, the speech is continuously converted into written texts so players can easily communicate without any problems. We understand the need to have written information on the fly, and that’s why our experts deliver annotations with highest accuracy for extracting information from the audio.

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What are the average rates for audio annotation services?

The rates of audio annotation services depend on a plethora of factors. For instance, the complexity of the audio, number of speakers, language, and several such attributes influence the project’s overall cost. In addition, the cost also depends on the audio annotation tool being used for the purpose.

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